Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Baby Thief

The Baby Thief, by L.J. Sellers is an intriguing mystery about what lengths some women will go to have a baby and the lengths some will go to satisfy their greedy needs. Jenna McClure visits a clinic to pursue artificial insemination. The doctor, ironically, is looking for her perfect match so she can “steal” eggs to have her own baby. She finds the perfect match in Jenna. But that’s only where the story begins. The twists and turns of this novel are intriguing but sometimes a bit unbelievable. It will definitely keep you interested.

My biggest complaint with this book is that it needs a good editor. I hope L.J. Sellers continues to write but I hope she finds a publisher who will edit her books carefully.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beyond Molasses Creek

Beyond Molasses Creek, by Nicole Seitz, is a story of a 60-something woman who returns to her childhood home after the death of her father. She is also returning to the first and foremost love of her life. Vesey Washington, a black man who lives across the river, was a childhood friend who turned into Ally’s true love. But it was the south in a time when black/white relationships were definitely frowned upon.

The book tells of Ally’s life as she runs away from the relationship. She becomes a flight attendant and travels the world. Eventually, she has an affair and a child out of wedlock. That child is kidnapped when Ally is “finding herself” in Nepal. The novel turns to Sunila and her life in Nepal. Yes, it’s predictable – she’s Ally’s daughter.

This is an emotional story about Vesey’s life in Molasses Creek, Ally’s life travelling the world and Sunila’s difficult life as a stone cutter and how all three of their lives intertwine in the end. The book is well written but sort of predictable. If you enjoy this type of story, you will surely like Beyond Molasses Creek.