Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Delightful Story!

Veera Hiranandani’s new book, The Whole Story of Half a Girl, is a delight to read. Aimed at young adolescent girls, it’s full of lessons for almost anyone, male or female aged 10 to adult. It’s about a 6th-grader Sonia Nadhamuni whose mother is white and father is Indian. She’s also half Jewish and half Hindu, but the family practices neither. Attending a small private school, she doesn’t realize she’s half anything or that it really matters. But things suddenly change for her and for her younger sister. Sonia’s father loses his job and the girls can no longer attend their small school. Sonia’s entry into the public school is scary. She makes friends, but are they real friends? Other students question her color and religion. She doesn’t know how to dress “right” or handle herself. She slowly learns but there are many bumps along the way. Her father is dealing with depression. Her mother is working long hours. There are so many questions Sonia needs answered while trying to keep up her new school life with cheerleading, jealousy, and new and ex-best friends. Something has to give. And it does. Read this book and then give it to your daughter (or son). It’s a good easy read and teaches many life lessons.

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